Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems
By : Abd. Mudeffar
Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems is easy in installing and you can place it in many places without wire connecting. Generally Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems has been coming with a bracket which suitable for any surfaces.
Other reason why some customers choose Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems is power supply. Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems can run in small battery packs that can be connected to any power supply. When unknown people cuts your system power supply, wireless came still live and run recording incidents.
If you want to compare the conventional CCTV and Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems, Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems are cheaper than CCTV. Some customers are satisfied by Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems offer. Beside an affordable price, wireless security camera system also more easier in installing than CCTV which need the professional to install a device in your home or on your office.
Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems Packages
When I browse online, I have found one company that offer you Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems packages. This package is named by 5.8 Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems packages. The 5.8Ghz Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems can be your perfect choice. This device has a long range up to 30 miles. This Package is including data rate, penetrating range, interference avoidance and security.
Their wireless outdoor enclosure is the Sony SNC-RZ25N Network IP Pan Tilt Zoom camera. Some distinguishing features are the High Resolution ExwaveHAD CCD, Built-in 18X Optical Zoom, Ultra Efficient MPEG4 Compression, and great low-light performance.
Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Systems Packages Features
- High RF output power and exceptional receive sensitivity provide ultra-long-range wireless IP digital video delivery up to 30 miles
- RF transmission rate of 1.5 Mbs
- Does not interfere with Wi-Fi networks
- 128 bit encrypted with dynamic private keys
- Highest Quality of Service (QoS) available, synchronous point-topoint protocol enables IP video applications that require low data latency and jitter
- Simple plug and play, pre-configured as matched pairs with no user programming required
- 58 non-overlapping channels with frequency agility to avoid interference
- Operates in the 5.725-5.850 GHz band and does not require a license to operate or install in the USA or Canada
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